TopView and Twilio migration to single IP address for Elastic SIP Trunking services

TopView and Twilio migration to single IP address for Elastic SIP Trunking services

Starting 26 September 2023 Twilio will begin migrating the media IPs and port ranges for Voice SDK calls in all regions to and expanding the UDP port range to 10000-60000. 
Our recommendations are to connect via their SIP Domains, which are manageable within your Twilio account, instead of using IP addresses directly, therefore we do not think customers will be affected by this change.

Since TopView version 6.37, our default port range for media communication is 10000-20000. TopView also allows configuration of the UDP port range for use in the media port negotiation process (for all versions supporting VOIP through SIP) so you can expand that default to match Twilio's full range, if desired.


We recommend verifying that Twilio IP Addresses and ports are allowed by the network, as Twilio's post suggests:
You will need to update your network infrastructure to ensure that you have whitelisted the full IP and port ranges 
More information
  1. IP Addresses for SIP Services | Twilio
  2. Twilio Voice Media IP Expansion Security FAQ | Twilio

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