How to locate your TopView license file

How to locate your TopView license file

Each TopView installation has a license file per data source (OPC, PI, ...) which was delivered with the product. The license file is usually stored locally in a location accessible to all users.
During the installation, the user stored the file and pointed TopView to the location of the file.
The license file name starts with "TV_" and end with .txt
Example: TV_OPC_Customer name_7_4_T500_S1_R1_W1_SCADA_full.txt

If you can run the TopView Configurator

  1. Launch the TopView Configurator
  2. In newer versions of TopView, click the [License...] button in the upper right corner

  3. If the [License...] button does not exist in your version, select "Tools...TopView license" from the top menu
The license dialog will display the license file for each data source. 

In the above example, the license file is named 
TV_OPC_Customer name_7_4_T500_S1_R1_W1_SCADA_full.txt
and is located in 

If the open folder button exists (newer versions), click the button to open the folder. Otherwise, use File Explorer to locate the license file in the displayed folder.

If you cannot run the TopView Configurator

If you cannot run TopView Configurator due to a licensing issue
  1. Windows Start button > All Apps > Exele TopView > Open TopView DataPath Folder
  2. Open the file "license.ini" in notepad or another text file editor
  3. The license file path is under the entry for the data source you use with TopView.
  4. The license file is the text file name starting with TV_
    Note: license.ini is not the license file.
    The license file name starts with TV_
If you have a DataPath that is on a network share for a redundant TopView configuration, you may have to check "%windir%\TopView.ini" for the location of the license.ini file mentioned above.

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