Example scripts to remove/install TopView services using PowerShell

Example scripts to remove/install TopView services using PowerShell

The TopView Service Manager command line application is a utility which provides the ability to list, install, and remove TopView services. This is a particularly useful tool when changing the user account for each TopView service is necessary. The utility's help information can be displayed by executing the application with no arguments:

Example PowerShell scripts

These scripts are provided as is, with no guarantee of correct behavior, please verify that these will work for your system before executing them. Assumptions: 1. These scripts are run with proper access (e.g. PS is running as Administrator) 2. The working directory is the TopView Program Path 3. "C:\ProgramData\Exele\TopView\CONFIG\" is the data path The following script will remove existing TopView services:
.\TVServiceMgr.exe list | ForEach-Object { & .\TVServiceMgr.exe "remove $_" }
The following script will install all the services in the data path's CONFIG folder:
Get-ChildItem C:\ProgramData\Exele\TopView\CONFIG\ -Filter *.cfg | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | ForEach-Object { & tvservicemgr.exe "install --cfg=""$_""" }
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