Error related to delay group notification messages: "Exception processing delay group notification messages Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."
Errors delivering delay group notification messages
Affected versions

Affected version(s): TopView 6.32 is affected by this issue, we have not received reports from earlier versions.
Example of issue
Application logs may show the following error message:

"Exception processing delay group notification messages Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."
Missed notification deliveries have been reported in conjunction with this issue.
We've issued a feature patch supporting additional OPC security options that also included a fix for this problem. Applying this patch will fix this collection modified issue as well. You can find the patch on the TopView 6.32 download page (look for your TopView 6.32 download email, or
request support so we can resend it to you) under the patches section, instructions for applying it are included with the patch.